POV Pool launches a ‘Premium Content’ subscription channel
January 5th, 2018 POV Pool Headquarters – Los Angeles, CA
By: Daniel Busch
Contact: [email protected]
POV Pool’s new, ‘Premium’ Content Channel; powered by VHX
As of January 5th 2018, fans and viewers of POV Pool can now access a growing library of premium, commercial free content and historic matches in Hi-Definition video, where available. Updated monthly with additional content, the service which, operates on the ‘OTT’ principle similar to Netflix or Hulu, monthly and annual subscribers will access unlimited streaming of the very best of what POV Pool has to offer for less than 25 cents a day. Released episodically, the very best that you’ve been waiting for from us is already being posted to the new channel; Tony Chohan vs. Dennis Orcollo, Francisco Bustamante vs. Tony Chohan, West Coast Swing ‘Finals’ and more POV Pool greats, all re-mastered and post-produced specifically for this service.
Go Premium Now!
Start watching these episodes and more to come every month as a premium subscriber to POV Pool for only $6.99 per month or $75.99 annually!
Free, ‘live’ streaming, still available on YouTube!
POV Pool will still live stream 90% of our content for FREE on YouTube with, matches and events still being posted to our YouTube Channel that, has grown to over 25,000 subscribers since 2011. The only exception now is, with a new ‘premium subscription’ channel, we are now able to provide a selection of our best content to viewers on demand at at a low cost of just $6.99 per month or at the discounted rate of $75.99 annually. Content will be commercial free and in Hi-Definition, where available and anyone with the ability to access the ‘VHX’ streaming service on their smart tv’s can also access POV Pool’s content.
A note from, Daniel Busch and Geraldine Thibodeau of Point of View Pool Media:
In order to grow and offset costs to the rooms/organizations and to be able to produce more events, it is necessary for Geraldine and I to alter the POV Pool business model. Since 2007, with the introduction of live streaming to the billiard community both, the industry and technology have been evolving exponentially. Geraldine and I have decided to shift our model slightly, with a vision to gain the much needed leverage to provide the highest quality content for promoting cue-sports. With the ongoing challenge to provide viewers with awesome content, it makes it very easy for us to imagine an environment with venues and promotors, where POV Pool can not only provide low cost services but, also be able to sponsor players and events independently and with our own added prize funds and incentives. We expect that there will be push back and opposition, but we feel we have made the best decision for our company and although, we don’t need to provide a justification, we feel like you will probably want to know.
We’re looking forward to a great 2018 and the move into the right direction!
Never Miss A Shot!
Daniel & Geraldine