’33 Taps’ in Hollywood – Wednesdays bring a little Pool & a lot of Fun!
Wednesday, August 13th, 2014
33 Taps Sports-Bar, Hollywood, CA
– Free Pool Every Wednesday!
– 7:30pm – 9:00pm
– Leagues Forming Now!
33 Taps Gets You Over The ‘Hump’!
Can a serious pool player can find a real game in Hollywood these days? POV Pool tries out ’33 Taps’ on Hollywood and Vine! 
Playing on two, Global Billiards, bar tables at one of Automated Entertainment’s premiere clients, 33 Taps invites you to an open night of free pool, every Wednesday at 7:30 – 9:00 pm. I guess the owners of the joint aren’t just trying to sell you a lot of great beer because they are also interested in forming solid teams of pool players to compete in league events.
Thank John English for the Pool!
John English has an optimistic attitude and works very hard to support the billiard community in more ways than one. His company, ‘Automated Entertainment’, services 36 locations in Southern California by providing pool tables and other income generating opportunities for establishments like 33 Taps. When asked about this new ‘Wednesday’ event, he stated,
“We are happy to invite anyone who likes to play pool to visit us every Wednesday at 33 Taps. Enjoy 8 or 9 ball on the tables and have a chance to make some great friends along the way. We also look forward to seeing weekly league events here, which is why we want you to join us every Wednesday and have some fun.”
What is 33 Taps?
At this very moment, 33 Taps is your quintessential, ‘Hollywood’ sportsman’s bar, located just underneath the 6′ o’clock shadow of the famed, Capitol Records building on the corner of Hollywood Blvd and Vine Street. And, just to the left, also on Hollywood Blvd, sits the equally famous Pantages Theater. It is because of this landmark location that 33 Taps (which is formerly ‘Dillons Pub’) always sees a lion’s share of executives, starlets and tourists, galore. Since this intersection already sees it all, then why not a few teams of pool players too?
33 Taps is many things to its clientele. An eatery, a pub, a meeting and entertainment destination. And, thanks to John English, it is now a place to play pool!
For more information, please visit 33 Taps on Facebook and for league opportunities call or email John English at: [email protected] /714.742.9271.
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We had a great time on the tables last Wed. night. Next week is Aug. 20th and we will have free pool from 7 to 9o pm and take on all challengers. We may have a tournament if we have 8 or more present. John English cell 714 742-9271