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USBA at Casino Del Sol: “3-Cushion Billiards, Real Time Feed Page!”

January 6th, 2017

POV Pool Headquarters – Los Angeles, CA 

By Daniel Busch and Geraldine Thibodeau


USBA-LOGO-WEB-280x300-1 prof-q-ball-icon



Final 16 Tournament


Congratulations to 1st Place finisher

Pedro Piedrabuena! 

Final Round Single Elimination Tournament Results and Current Matches







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Format of the “OPEN” event:

  • 8 Groups of 5 players
  • 2 players advance from each group after day 2 (Races to 25)
  • 16 player final single elimination bracket on day 3 (Races to 30)

Official Player’s List for “Open” Tournament


Congratulations to Jesus Quinonez for his 1st Place win in the “B” tournament!

Format of the “B” event: B_PrizeFund.

  • 8 Groups of 5 players
  • 2 players advance from each group after day 2
  • 16 player final single elimination bracket on day 3






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The United States Billiard Association presents: “Gabriel’s 3-Cushion Tour Events” #1

To kick-off 2017 with something special. Professor Q Ball’s, Paul Frankel, the USBA’s current president, Mazin Shooni, and its board members have arranged a double-header billiards competition, to be hosted at The Casino Del Sol resort in Tucson, Arizona. The USBA/Gabriel’s Tour Event shall be a six-day affair for a few competitors who were lucky enough to secure positions in both, the 42 player ‘B’ tournament on January 16th and in the 42 player ‘Open’ tournament on Jan 19th. Somewhat stunning news also was that, for a first-time, ‘prestigious’ event at a premier venue like Casino Del Sol, 3-cushion players all over the country responded with entry forms that filled both events within four weeks of the official announcement in September, 2016.

Original quote from the website: “The Gabriels USBA Tour Event at Casino Del Sol in Tucson Arizona (January 16-21) has reached its maximum entrants! Both the “A” event and the “B” event are full. If you’re still considering playing contact Mazin Shooni at (248) 910-4466 or Paul Frankel (901) 210-7251 in the event a cancellation opens a last minute position. The official list of players for both the A and B events follows.”

For more information on this event and how to participate with the USBA, please visit: 

POV is going ‘3C’ 

pov3c-imagePOV Pool would like to give ‘special thanks’ to the USBA and to the sponsors of this event who, have made it possible to enlist the services of Point Of View Pool Media to provide live broadcast and event coverage services for both competitions which also include this: “real time feed page”. Be sure to ‘bookmark’, share this page with your fellow 3C’ers and tune into POV Pool on YouTube as POV goes ‘3C’ for 6 days, live from Casino Del Sol.

On each day of this event from January 16th-21st, POV Pool will be live at 10:00am at our YouTube Channel. Be sure to join and share with your friends. 

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January 16th-18th / “B” Tournament / 42 Players 

  1. George ALLEE=======>NJ
  2. Jim BISHOP========> FL
  3. Mickey CAMPBELL===>MN
  4. Lee COLLINS=======>AZ
  5. Gary COHEN=======>CA
  6. Joe DEAMATO======>MA
  7. Doug DEITEL=======>TX
  8. Dennis DIECKMAN===>VA
  9. Gary EAKE=========>WI
  10. Richard FALANGA====>MA
  11. Paul FELTMAN, Jr.====>AZ
  12. Paul FELTMAN, Sr.====>AZ
  13. John FLEMING=======>OR
  14. Pete FOLSOM========>CA
  15. Paul FRANKEL=======>TN
  16. Mercedes GONZALEZ===>FL
  17. Jim HENRICKSON=====>AZ
  18. Eric HUGHES========>DC
  19. Larry HUNDLEY======>AZ
  20. John JOHNSON======>MA
  21. Rich KUCHMA=======>NE
  22. Dan KOLACZ========>NY
  23. Ellis LAWRENCE=====>FL
  24. Jairo LENIS=========>FL
  25. Stanley LOMBARDO===>KS
  26. Aaron MOSS=========>AZ
  27. Tim MUMMA========>IA
  28. Hector O’CAMPO======>CA
  29. Bob PAGE===========>MA
  30. Tom PALEY=========>MO
  31. Craig POWERS========>WI
  32. Jesus QUINONEZ======>WA
  33. Raye RASKIN=========>CA
  34. Richard RICE=========>AZ
  35. Ray ROBLES=========>AZ
  36. George RAMIREZ======>NV
  37. Carlos RAMOS========>FL
  38. Tom ROSSMAN=======>IN
  39. Jim SHOVAK========>NY
  40. John SMITH=========>AZ
  41. Ertan TARHAN=======>WA
  42. Juan URIBE=========>NC

professor qball

January 19th-21st / “OPEN” Tournament / 42 Players 

  1. George ALLEE===========>NJ
  2. Jim BISHOP============> FL
  3. Alejandro BORBOA========>AZ
  4. Mickey CAMPBELL========>MN
  5. Ricardo CARRANCO=======>CA
  6. Allen CASTILLO==========>CA
  7. Eduardo CERVANTES=======>CA
  8. Joe DEAMATO===========>MA
  9. Dennis DIECKMAN=========>VA
  10. Gary EAKE==============>WI
  11. Richard FALANGA========>MA
  12. Paul FELTMAN, Sr.========>AZ
  13. John FLEMING==========>OR
  14. Pauk FRANKEL==========>TN
  15. MercedesGONZALEZ=======>FL
  16. Sonny CHO=============>NY
  17. Jim HENRICKSON========>AZ
  18. Eric HUGHES===========>DC
  19. Dan KOLACZ===========>NY
  20. Rich KUCHMA==========>MA
  21. Ellis LAWRENCE=========>FL
  22. Jairo LENIS=============>FL
  23. Stanley LOMBARDO=======>KS
  24. Tim MUMMA============>IA
  25. Gilbert NAJM============>CA
  26. Tung NGUYEN===========>CA
  27. Hector O’CAMPO==========>CA
  28. Bob PAGE===============>MA
  29. Carlos PALAFOX===========>CA
  30. Hugo PATINO=============>NY
  31. Pedro PIEDRABUENA========>CA
  32. Vicky PINEDA=============>CA
  33. Craig POWERS============>WI
  34. Jesus QUINONEZ==========>WA
  35. George RAMIREZ==========>NV
  36. Carlos RAMOS============>FL
  37. Tom ROSSMAN===========>IN
  38. Mazin SHOONI===========>NH
  39. Jim SHOVAK=============>NY
  40. Ertan TARHAN===========>WA
  41. Miguel TORRES===========>NC
  42. Juan URIBE==============>NC
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