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Pitstop Pub To Host TAP Scotch 8-Ball!

October 26th, 2013

 The Pit Stop Pub – Menifee, CA 

Once again, POV Pool is off to Riverside County to work with Ian & Nikki Brock, Owners of Riverside TAPPOV will again attempt to provide coverage of the fall Scotch Doubles 8-Ball Open Tournament. With 30 teams formed and Mr. Brock’s polished experience under tournament pressure. Riverside TAP open tournaments are always fast paced, with a 30 second shot clock with no time outs (Note: playing partners can communicate as long as the stay within the clock).

Infrequently, as in all open tournaments there seems to be a few characters from the inland empire who attend, yet are completely unaware of TAP rules and Etiquette and show up ready for bar pool. And the last tournament held at the Pit Stop was a disappointment as the owners could not provide the promised internet service which reflected the nights mood among the patrons. We were very entertained that night watching Brock handle two unknown players displaying grade school behavior who were ultimately ejected. The results were swift and fair. Mr. Brock is a well known and highly respected tournament and league director, who is a native Southern Californian,

Having been selected in May as the Franchisee of the Month by TAP corporate.  TAP is the fastest growing pool league in the nation the last 4 years with over 150 franchisees in the USA and Canada. Brock is often quoted saying “$20 a year and $7 when you shoot. For cash, prizes and trips to the TAP National Championships with entry and airfare included, which is nearly impossible as we pay nearly twice over our competition.”

But I had to ask him why he really does it. . Brock says  “I just love of the game, watching the competition, and most importantly..watching our players improve year after year”

Please tune into on October 26th at 11:oo am PST or tune in on Ustream for those who wish to use the interactive chat room at



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