Mezz West State Tour – Confirms 9 Stream Dates!
Wednesday – September 3rd, 2014
POV Pool Headquarters – Los Angeles, CA
Mezz West State Tour to be Aired, Live!
As th
e first season of The Mezz West State Tour approaches its 3rd event of 12 total, Oscar Dominguez and Desiree Rivera have signed a deal with Point Of View Pool Media and also welcome two new sponsors, Virtual Pool 4 and Marty Carey’s Jump Q to provide the majority of live streamed coverage and programming at 7 of the upcoming 10 remaining stops. Additional live-streaming support for 2 stops have been delegated to Hard Times Billiards, Sacramento’s ‘in-house’ streaming system for Tour Stop #8 and also to Lenny Marshall, who will air Tour Stop #9 from BullShooter’s in Phoenix, AZ. What this means is, that 9 of the 10 remaining tour stops this season will be live streamed for all to enjoy!
Following the Schedule!
Since the Mezz West State Tour will be a shared stream by more than one provider, POV Pool has created a live-stream schedule and interactive map of all streamed dates with their respective channels provided for quick and easy access to the shows. The online community is encouraged to share and follow these events as they occur. For those who have their own pool or billiards related websites or businesses, we are also making promotional material ’embed-able’ and printable for those who wish to spread this news.
Mezz West State Tour Dates
Sep 13-14 / Stop #3 / Diamond Billiards – Fresno, CA
Sep 27-28 / Stop #4 / Plush Pocket – Northridge, CA
Nov 8-9 / Stop #5 / Billiard Palacade – San Francisco, CA – (No Stream Scheduled)
Nov 15-16 / Stop #6 / On Cue Billiards – La Mesa, CA
Dec 13-14 / Stop #7 / Family Billiards, San Francisco, CA
Dec 27-28 / Stop #8 / Hard Times Billiards – Sacramento, CA (In-House Stream)
Jan 10-11 / Stop #9 / BullShooter’s Sports Bar – Phoenix, AZ (On The Rail TV)
Jan 17-18 / Stop #10 / Gary’s Billiards / Victorville, CA
Jan 24-25 / Stop #11 / California Billiard Club / Fremont, CA
March 7-8 / Stop #12 / TOP GUN EVENT / Hard Times Billiards – Bellflower, CA
Sponsors and Special Thanks!
None of these tour stops or live streams would be possible without the help of our sponsors! POV Pool would like to thank, Mezz Cues, West State Billiards, Virtual Pool 4, Marty Carey’s Jump Q, Zan Tips, Turtle Rack, Fast & Loose Designs, Automated Entertainment and all of the venues within the tour itself. Local sponsors and pool supporters are encouraged to contact us at [email protected] to discuss any local advertising within the radius of each venue.
In advance, because we know that there are many who will step up to assist with the promotions and operations of these events, we would like to thank, Geraldine Thibodeau, Mike Meeker, AZ Billiards, NYC Grind, Paul Frankel at Professor Q Ball, GoPlayPool, Upstate AL and The Live Stream News Group, Bert Kinister, ALL of the MOD’s for POV Pool on USTREAM, Don Akerlow of On The Break News, The Pool Scene and for every member of our audience that ‘likes’ and ‘shares’!